The Friendly Dog Club - Fundraising
After celebrating our 30th year of dog training in 2023, 2024 brings a new project, the replacement of our building - The Dog House.
The "temporary" building that has been our home for the last 23 years is becoming beyond repair. We have spent a lot of money patching up the leaking roof and replacing timber over the years, but there is very little that can be done now, short of replacing it.
We estimate the cost to be around £50,000, so we are starting fundraising. You can see how we're doing in the graph on this page. We've raised a total of £11,205 so far. The club has always been run on a not for profit basis, we have been able to keep class fees low by just covering our costs each term, rather than making huge profits, so we are asking for your help!
Ways you can help:
- Cash donations towards the fund can be made using the pot at the club or CLICK HERE TO DONATE ONLINE
- NEW Donate to Angela's Fundraising page - she's getting a doggy tattoo!! Find all the details here.
- Add a little extra to your subs
- Do some fund raising for us
- Suggest some fundraising ideas
- Offer your skills to help us build the new club!
- Buy the "30 Pawsome Years" USB stick (order forms available at the club)
Thank you so much for your support!